
Please Enjoy This Message from Temple Founder

Amber Hartnell

The Temple of Wholeness is a place of communion and community, sovereignty and divinity - a spiritual home for those seeking to even more fully awaken their direct connection with the Absolute. 

We stand for finding, feeling and generating Wholeness in all things. 

Wholeness creates embodiment, empathy and self-responsibility and is the answer to modern society’s confusion and division. It is the antidote to modernity’s current collapse and the confusion and division that is its legacy. 

Those of us who have been hearing the call to awakening the individual and collective know and feel this mission in their heart already.  A return to sustainability and sanity, in concordance with nature and natural law. For the benefit of all.

Stay In Touch, Stay Connected

We are committed to being and creating:

Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit

Authentic awakening, communion and impact

Goodness, Truth and Beauty

All resulting in ever expanding ripples of the win-win-win.

All are welcome, all are invited.

Temple Keepers

Nada Shamonki

Wisdom Counselor

Amber Hartnell

Temple Founder
Matt Kreinheder
Temple Director

Current Ministries


CODE: Church of Direct Experience is a free monthly offering where you can be in practice with our core temple team and be in the field of community awakening and communion.


Embodied Arts Mastery is a practitioner training program designed for coaches, shamans and guides to hone, brighten and master their facilitation skills.


If you resonate with our mission and know you want to help us build the better world we all know is possible, you can do that here.

Warriors for life

The health and wellbeing of those who keep us safe is of critical importance to the Temple of Wholeness. WFL is a integration community for Veterans who have gone for psychadelic assistance in Mexico. 


Finding wisdom on the path of awakening is critical. These programs exploring healing, awakening, and living in a state of exquiste wholeness.

Temple times

Stay at the leading edge of all things healing, personal evolution, spiritual awakening and soul-led service as well with these blog articles and temple updates


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